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...we think it would be very prudent...
- Can we turn our beds into bunk beds?
- Yes.
Why are you guys so sweaty?
Well we've already figured
out how to do this.
The beds match up perfectly.
And here's the thing. It would give
us so much extra space in our room
to do activities.
Please say yes.
You don't need permission from us
to build bunk beds. You're adults.
You can do what you want.
I'm not making myself clear.
I don't give a fuck.
Now, you both have
several interviews tomorrow.
I would think you'd be focused
on that and not building bunk beds.
- We can? No?
- Yes. Yes, you can make bunk beds.
- I knew it.
- Okay. You guys are not gonna regret this.
We'll get so much more
activities done.
This is the funnest night ever!
This is so scary.
- How you doing over there?
- Really good.
- Does your son know anything about carpentry?
- No
Did I hear a drill?
Dale! Dale, no power tools!
- What?
- No power tools!
- No, I forgot, I have to brush my teeth.
- That is not your toothbrush.
Oh, okay. Well, I'm all done anyway.
- We did it.
- We did it!
It looks amazing!
Look at that! That looks like
what you'd buy from a store!
- We could do aerobics in here.
- So many activities!
- Do step class.
- It's making my head spin...
- many activities we can do.
- Play Army men.
Hey, I never asked you.
Do you like guacamole?
Oh, Brennan! Oh, God!
Brennan! Brennan!
Dad. Nancy. It's bad.
It's so bad.
There's blood everywhere.
The bunk beds were a terrible idea.
Why'd you let us do that?
It's so bad!
How would you describe that?
- It's not so bad.
- Right. See?
Put your beds back.
Rumpus time is over.
would - voluto
toothbrush - spazzolino da denti
tools - utensili
thing - cosa
terrible - terribile
sweaty - sudato
store - negozio
space - spazio
extra - extra
build - costruire
nancy - nancy
describe - descrivere
doing - fare
clear - chiaro
class - classe
please - per favore
carpentry - carpenteria
prudent - prudente
building - costruzione
forgot - dimenticato
aerobics - aerobica
brush - spazzola
adults - adulti
teeth - denti
rumpus - chiasso
night - notte
everywhere - ovunque
regret - rimpiangere
already - già
anything - qualsiasi cosa
funnest - funnest
anyway - comunque
several - parecchi
asked - chiesto
about - di
drill - trapano
right - destra
there - là
scary - pauroso
blood - sangue
think - pensare
figured - figurato
myself - me stessa
focused - focalizzata
gonna - andando
guacamole - guacamole
really - veramente
never - mai
amazing - stupefacente
activities - attività
interviews - interviste
could - poteva
looks - sembra
tomorrow - domani
making - fabbricazione
match - incontro
power - energia
perfectly - perfettamente
permission - autorizzazione
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