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We were amazed by how little issue the agency had over the whole hearing thing.
And about money.
But this may be a personal question, but...
do you have a preference about the child's race?
I'd like a little black baby.
You already have a little black baby.
- Can you dig it? - I'm so sorry. I...
No, it totally doesn't matter to us.
I was just wondering.
We're just so excited about having this child at all.
I'm sorry. I would sign, but I don't know the language.
It's OK.
Do you boys believe in nature versus nurture?
Is that all a concern in terms of bringing a child into your house?
- Not sure I follow you. - Why wouldn't we bring it into the house?
I just mean the gay thing.
I mean that there's no irrefutable evidence one way or the other.
I guess, they think they've isolated a gene, but...
What does that mean? They don't know what it's for or what it does.
One of the contributing factors to being gay may very well be the environment.
Well, I mean, look at my drapes, right? Aren't they horrible?
There's evidently no way it was this environment.
Meredith, most of us here believe that...
sexual orientation is the result of a genetic predisposition
much like handedness.
Well, that and Mom. She tried to make us all gay.
What are you talking about? I didn't try, Everett.
No, true, I did hope.
I did desperately hope that you would all be gay - all my boys,
and then you'd never leave me. I'm so sorry by the way, girls.
Sybil asked me when I was eight if sort of I was gay.
She asked all of us that.
Stop pretending you're so special.
Hey, Ben, are you sure that you're not a gay?
I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it.
would - voluto
versus - contro
terms - condizioni
special - speciale
sorry - scusa
sexual - sessuale
result - risultato
queer - strano
pretending - fingendo
preference - preferenza
predisposition - predisposizione
factors - Fattori
guess - indovina
excited - emozionato
evidence - prova
sybil - sybil
environment - ambiente
evidently - evidentemente
leave - partire
eight - otto
question - domanda
desperately - disperatamente
thing - cosa
being - essere
right - destra
issue - problema
amazed - stupito
whole - totale
totally - totalmente
concern - preoccupazione
wondering - chiedendosi
tried - provato
already - già
contributing - contribuendo
child - bambino
never - mai
asked - chiesto
follow - segui
genetic - genetico
talking - parlando
other - altro
about - di
black - nero
matter - importa
think - pensare
everett - everett
irrefutable - inconfutabile
money - i soldi
orientation - orientamento
believe - credere
agency - agenzia
horrible - orribile
bringing - portando
handedness - manualità
girls - ragazze
house - casa
isolated - isolato
language - lingua
bring - portare
little - piccolo
having - avendo
meredith - meredith
nature - natura
hearing - udito
nurture - nutrire
drapes - tendaggio
personal - personale
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