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Vicky Cristina Barcelona - You Went Through My Luggage? (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    You want some aspirin?

    I have aspirin in my... in my bag.

    Okay. You relax.
    I'll be right back.

    It's all in his head.

    He has so much tension.

    To the world, he's carefree,
    nothing matters,

    life is short, and
    with no purpose, kind of thing, but

    All his fear
    just goes to his head.

    Do you know she...
    she plays piano?

    I didn't know. Is that why you
    have a piano in the house?

    I could have been
    a concert pianist.

    Yes, she could have.

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