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You want some aspirin?
I have aspirin in my... in my bag.
Okay. You relax.
I'll be right back.
It's all in his head.
He has so much tension.
To the world, he's carefree,
nothing matters,
life is short, and
with no purpose, kind of thing, but
All his fear
just goes to his head.
Do you know she...
she plays piano?
I didn't know. Is that why you
have a piano in the house?
I could have been
a concert pianist.
Yes, she could have.
No one plays
Scarlatti like Maria Elena.
She understands Scarlatti.
Am I right?
Do you play music?
No. I just have to come
face to face with the fact...
...that I am not gifted, you know?
I can appreciate art and
I love music, but...
It's sad, really, because I feel
like I have a lot to express...
And I'm... I am not gifted.
But you do have talent.
- No.
- Yes.
What's my talent?
You take beautiful photographs.
That's true.
She always take pictures that
she hides from me.
That's because they're nothing.
How do you know I take pictures?
I found them in your luggage.
You went through my luggage?
Of course I went through your luggage.
First night I was in the house,
I didn't trust you.
I didn't believe you were
who you said you were.
I wanted to know who was really
sharing the bed of my ex-husband.
Who knew what I would find there?
How could I be sure you were
not going to hurt me?
After all, I had thoughts
of killing you.
would - voluto
world - mondo
understands - capisce
husband - marito
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
pianist - pianista
hides - nasconde
plays - giochi
found - trovato
elena - elena
right - destra
course - corso
appreciate - apprezzare
believe - credere
after - dopo
beautiful - bellissimo
concert - concerto
because - perché
house - casa
first - primo
gifted - dotato
really - veramente
carefree - spensierato
aspirin - aspirina
night - notte
could - poteva
music - musica
luggage - bagaglio
piano - pianoforte
matters - questioni
purpose - scopo
express - esprimere
sharing - compartecipazione
always - sempre
photographs - fotografie
killing - uccisione
maria - maria
pictures - immagini
trust - fiducia
relax - rilassare
scarlatti - Scarlatti
talent - talento
tension - tensione
short - corto
there - là
nothing - niente
thing - cosa
thoughts - pensieri
through - attraverso
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