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Pronuncia di always in Inglese


Esempi dai film con Always

You guys always do find the best.
Ray - A Better Deal
Treat this as good news. You can always write myJane Doe column.
Fletch Lives - Fletch Quits
You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on.
Inception - Shared Dreaming
And although we're not at war, we must always act
Top Gun - Arrogant Pilot
But, I mean, we are changing from who we are, which we always stay as.
Bridesmaids - Mean Tennis
My wife was always hawking me to take a little vacation: Hawaii, Reno...
Alfie - Joe
I always said, "Next year, Evie, next year.
Alfie - Joe
I always thought I'd have more time.
Alfie - Joe
she was always yakking about.
Alfie - Joe
which might be of help with this young lady you're always talking about.
Finding Forrester - The Pulitzer Prize
The point is, Zooey, Peter always connected better with women.
I Love You, Man - A Girlfriend Guy
Zooey, here's the deal. Peter's always been a "girlfriend guy."
I Love You, Man - A Girlfriend Guy
We can go back, see the guys, chew the fat, it'll be just like it always was,
The World's End - Unfinished Business
I always said something along the lines of,
Alfie - What Have I Got?
And they're always wrong.
Capote - The Way I Am
I've always been curious about those things.
Disturbia - Breakfast Surprise
- That's always been true. - Yes, it has.
Margin Call - A Bridge
My door is always open and, contrary to hall rumour, you can talk to me.
Save the Last Dance - Truman Capote Debate

Pronuncia audio di Always

Pronuncia americana

Always pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Always pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Always pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Always pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Always pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Always pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Always pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Always pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Always pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Always pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Always pronunciato da Brian (uomo)