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Pronuncia di few in Inglese

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Esempi dai film con Few

He showed me much love though I only knew him a few hours.
Belle - Is It What You Want?
I just need to clarify a few things, okay?
Obsessed - Overdose
Sam, I have realized over the last few years...
Blockers - Dad, I'm a Lesbian
For this to work, there are a few things you need to know.
The Boxtrolls - A Pleasure to Meet You
<i>I'm still looking at it a few weeks later,</i>
Us and Them - Danny's Plan
We had a few, and then he told me that he had been fired that day, 'cause he was,
Truth or Dare - Olivia's Darkest Secret
I think it's important for us to wait for just a few minutes.
Love the Coopers - We Are Family
But with your permission, I'd like to address the events of the past few days,
The Front Runner - Too Much Time With an Unmarried Woman
Uh... Yeah, you, uh... You might want to give that a few minutes.
ParaNorman - The Haunted Bathroom Stall
My goodness. Well, I've been called a few names myself.
Short Circuit 2 - Robot Rights
Just a few seconds ought to do it, and then we'll slingshot right back.
Mr. Peabody & Sherman - Punching the Future in the Face
We realized a few days ago that Miss Kluger...
Ocean's 8 - Welcome to the Team
Well, there's a few. We've got the security guys,
Ocean's 8 - Welcome to the Team
A few years. Minus good behavior.
Ocean's 8 - Framing the Ex
for a few minutes anyway, and you can watch
Mr. Mom - The Company Party
I want to make a few things clear before we get started.
Little - Teacher's Pet
Why don't you shoot a few more fish?
Nothing in Common - Duck Hunt

Pronuncia audio di Few

Pronuncia americana

Few pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Few pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Few pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Few pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Few pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Few pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Few pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Few pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Few pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Few pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Few pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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