Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di into in Inglese

  • dentro

Esempi dai film con Into

All social systems we've put into place are a mere sketch.
Lucy - Time is the Answer
It's simple. You know that moment when you look into somebody's eyes
Up in the Air - A Cocoon of Self-Banishment
That's right, honey. Go into the light.
Scary Movie 3 - No Sex
I'm starved for affection. I'm driven into the arms of another man.
Liar Liar - I Can't Lie!
can then coax it into its fullest expression. And then? I mean...
Sideways - Miles on Wine
I don't know. Why are you into wine?
Sideways - Miles on Wine
I originally got into wine through my ex-husband.
Sideways - Miles on Wine
Who dumped a whole truckload of Fizzies into the swim meet?
Animal House - Double Secret Probation
His family had just moved into the neighborhood and...
Flipped - Meeting Bryce Loski
I can always turn her into a squirrel instead.
Ella Enchanted - Gift of Obedience
- Harvard. You can say Harvard. - I don't want to get into libel.
Six Degrees of Separation - I Was Mugged
I've got a witch mad at me and you might get into trouble
The Wizard of Oz - If I Only Had a Brain
and then trickled on down into some tragic Casual Corner
The Devil Wears Prada - Stuff
These two have no idea what they're about to walk into.
Rounders - Atlantic City Suckers
David, you can't turn me into a grandmother.
Soapdish - Script Changes
It's just that every time we go into a bookstore,
Serendipity - The Groom's Gift
He seems to have been sucked into a ventilator.
Alien 3 - It's Here!
Just say the first thing that comes into your mind.
Chocolat - What Do You See?
El Duderino, if you're not into the whole brevity thing.
The Big Lebowski - I'm the Dude
- Can we turn our beds into bunk beds? - Yes.
Step Brothers - Bunk Beds

Pronuncia audio di Into

Pronuncia americana

Into pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Into pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Into pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Into pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Into pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Into pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Into pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Into pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Into pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Into pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Into pronunciato da Brian (uomo)