Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di left in Inglese

  • manca
  • sinistro
  • di sinistra
  • mancino
  • a sinistra

Esempi dai film con Left

The day I left Ml6 I had 15 major companies begging for my services.
Duplicity - All the Way In
Yeah. You got nobody left to bury you.
Edge of Darkness - A Wise Man
You know, sometimes the biggest balls are the ones left unused.
The Five-Year Engagement - Chewbacca's Cup
On the left, next to Brazilian Billy Bob Thornton.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Harmony Faith Lane
He done jailed or offed all my boys. All I got left is froggy.
Pootie Tang - Pootie's Bad Time Burgers
There's a 2-centimeter laceration on the left eyebrow.
Captain Phillips - You're Safe Now
He's got a 4-centimeter gap. Little laceration there on the left temple.
Captain Phillips - You're Safe Now
Desperate attempt to hold on to whatever shred of masculinity that I have left?
Love Happens - Burke Is Rusty
joined a long list of Hobokians who left and never returned.
My Dead Boyfriend - Joey from Hoboken
He left my mother and me when I was a year old,
My Dead Boyfriend - Joey from Hoboken
I ain't the same as the man who left all them years back.
Forsaken - Home
I don't get it. I left Earth for a new life.
Passengers - Partner Mode
So, your mom left and you stayed, right?
Charlie Bartlett - First Kiss
And there'll be nothing left of you to call alive or dead.
T2 Trainspotting - Choose Life
- Khaleel has prison time left. - He got a new lawyer.
Unlocked - Go Order
The doorbell rang about a half an hour after you left
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!

Pronuncia audio di Left

Pronuncia americana

Left pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Left pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Left pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Left pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Left pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Left pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Left pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Left pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Left pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Left pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Left pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

Parole simili a Left