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Pronuncia di phone in Inglese

  • telefono
  • telefonare
  • chiamare

Esempi dai film con Phone

So, I'm gonna quit the hotel. I want you to take the app off my phone.
Operator - Not Your Science Experiment
I'm gonna put you on hold. Stay by the phone.
Hotel Rwanda - A Grave Situation
Every bank statement and every phone Bill since you two...
An Everlasting Piece - Interrogation
I know, man. I'm gonna make phone calls for you.
Glassland - Drinking Herself to Death
And then he just got in a cab and left his phone.
Get Out - She's a Genius
I've been calling his phone a bunch of times.
Get Out - She's a Genius
- You wouldn't return my phone calls. - What do you want?
27 Dresses - I Think You Deserve More
You're on a speaker phone, okay?
Brake - Trapped
It was programmed into my phone
Brake - Trapped
Where is your phone, Jeremy, what's going on?
Brake - Trapped
oh, my god, that's my phone.
Dean - Selling the House
And I tried phoning mom, but the phone's not working.
How I Live Now - Boom
What? He's answering the phone now?
Christine - Mental Breakdown
Yeah, well, give me a number cause I can't talk on this phone.
The Specialist - No Mercy, No Loyalty, No Code
we could talk on the phone for real. - Yes, i know.
Outside In - I Know You Love Me
<i>The dozy bint has only gone and left her phone behind, ain't she?</i>
Us and Them - Danny's Plan
All right, so, this phone's got everything.
Us and Them - Danny's Plan
I just told every detail I know to whoever I got off the phone with an hour ago.
Searching - Detective Rosemary Vick

Pronuncia audio di Phone

Pronuncia americana

Phone pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Phone pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Phone pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Phone pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Phone pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Phone pronunciato da Brian (uomo)