Ballad Of Big Nothing
Elliott Smith
Throwing candy out to the crowd
Dragging down the main
The helpless little thing with the dirty mouth
Who's always got something to say
You're sitting around at home now
Waiting for your brother to call
I saw him down in the alley
Having had enough of it all
Said you can do what you want to
Whenever you want to
You can do what you want to
waiting - czekanie
tired - zmęczony
whenever - kiedy tylko
throwing - rzucanie
thing - rzecz
taken - wzięty
stranger - nieznajomy
spite - złość
watching - oglądanie
something - coś
smith - kowal
sitting - posiedzenie
getting - coraz
dirty - brudny
dragging - włóka
crowd - tłum
brother - brat
smoldering - zbutwiały
nothing - nic
pinpoint - sprecyzować
alley - aleja
candy - cukierek
anger - gniew
ballad - ballada
around - na około
always - zawsze
night - noc
parade - parada
though - chociaż
enough - dość
helpless - bezradny
every - dejte pozor
having - mający
hours - godziny
little - mało
elliott - Elliott
mouth - usta
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