Maybe you're just jaded from some nobody's unforgotten words

Maybe you're just faded, a little gray from every time that you've been hurt

So you're lookin' for your skin that you never did fit in

You can't hide when you're turned inside out

Love is lookin' for you now

Maybe you been burnin' but you can't blow out a flame that you can't find

Maybe you've been thirsty but the rain just ain't enough when you're this dry

So you're runnin' from the water and the fire's getting hotter

yourself - siebie
words - Słowa
water - woda
thirsty - spragniony
forever - na zawsze
faded - wyblakłe
maybe - może
inside - wewnątrz
getting - coraz
expense - koszt
might - moc
flame - płomień
better - lepszy
wearing - ma na sobie
lookin - patrząc
enough - dość
already - już
truth - Prawda
jaded - sterany
turned - obrócony
every - dejte pozor
hotter - cieplej
level - poziom
little - mało
looking - patrząc
never - nigdy
someone - ktoś
think - myśleć
ground - ziemia
shoes - buty

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