[Verse 1]

What in the world is happening to me

I've already tried to shake your memory

I don't know why it is I can't get over you

'Cause honey you ain't worth this pain I'm going through

[Verse 2]

You told me that your love would heal my broken heart

So I let you in my world and you tore it all apart

worth - wartość
world - świat
while - podczas gdy
happening - wydarzenie
broken - złamany
around - na około
should - powinien
would - by
verse - werset
alone - sam
honey - kochanie
already - już
leaving - odejście
through - przez
going - chodzenie
apart - niezależnie
heart - serce
memory - pamięć
running - bieganie
always - zawsze
tried - wypróbowany
trying - próbować
known - znany
settle - rozstrzygać
tired - zmęczony
shake - potrząsnąć

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