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Rozpocznij naukę
Long as you don't serve
chicken that way.
Tell me, what do the police say?
They're calling it an accident.
- Who's the investigating officer?
- Lou Escobar. He's a lieutenant.
- Do you know him?
- Oh, yeah.
Where from?
We used to work together.
In Chinatown.
- Would you call him a capable man?
- Very.
- Honest?
- As far as it goes.
Of course, he has to swim
in the same water we all do.
Of course, but you've no reason to think
he's bungled the case?
- None.
- That's too bad.
- Too bad?
- Hmm.
It disturbs me. Makes me think
you're taking my daughter for a ride.
Financially speaking, of course.
What are you charging her?
My usual fee,
plus a bonus if I get results.
Are you sleeping with her?
Come, come, Mr. Gitts.
You don't have to think about that
to remember, do you?
If you want an answer
to that question, Mr. Cross,
I'll put one of my men on the job.
- Good afternoon.
- Mr. Gitts...
- Gittes.
- Gittes.
You're dealing with a disturbed woman
who just lost her husband.
I don't want her taken advantage of.
- Sit down.
- What for?
You may think you know
what you're dealing with,
but believe me, you don't.
Why is that funny?
It's what the District Attorney
used to tell me in Chinatown.
Yeah? Was he right?
Exactly what do you know about me?
Sit down.
Mainly that you're rich,
and too respectable
to want your name in the newspapers.
Of course, I'm respectable. I'm old.
Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores
all get respectable
if they last long enough.
woman - kobieta
whores - dziwki
where - gdzie
usual - zwykły
together - razem
taken - wzięty
disturbs - niepokoje
would - by
exactly - dokładnie
dealing - postępowanie
chinatown - Chinatown
chicken - kurczak
remember - zapamiętaj
district - dzielnica
daughter - córka
speaking - mówiąc
charging - ładowanie
disturbed - zaniepokojony
course - kurs
cross - krzyż
calling - powołanie
husband - mąż
think - myśleć
afternoon - popołudnie
financially - materialnie
taking - nabierający
police - policja
believe - uwierzyć
accident - wypadek
capable - zdolny
about - o
attorney - adwokat
answer - Odpowiedź
bonus - premia
serve - obsługiwać
bungled - bungled
enough - dość
lieutenant - porucznik
results - wyniki
escobar - Escobar
buildings - budynki
mainly - głównie
funny - zabawny
right - dobrze
gittes - goci
honest - szczery
advantage - korzyść
question - pytanie
water - woda
investigating - dochodzenie
makes - czyni
newspapers - gazety
officer - Oficer
politicians - politycy
sleeping - spanie
reason - powód
respectable - poważny
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