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Oh no, please join us.
We would love that.
Because we were just trying
to settle an argument too.
- Really? What about?
- Well...
- No, it's kind of weird.
- Come on. Tell us.
Okay. We were just wondering
whether a woman who's
only been with men
could ever be sexually
attracted to a woman?
What do you think?
Do you think she could?
Well, hey, I think she
could. Definitely.
If she couldn't, she should.
- What is that about?
- What?
What is that male obsession with
lesbian sex about? I don't get it.
You know what? You don't
have to answer that.
Oh, come on!
It's just sexy, right?
Yeah. It's kind of hard to describe.
I mean, a woman alone is sexy.
But two women together
is like... It's like...
- Double sexy.
- Right.
Double sexy? Wow.
Wow. That's nicely put.
Yeah, that, really is nicely put.
But tell us exactly,
exactly what is it about
two women together
that you find so exciting?
Come on. You know, their whole...
Their whole thing, you know?
Like, the way they touch.
Really? How do they touch?
Well, a woman is... is soft, you
know, so when they touch each other,
it's, like, they're soft.
Women really know how to touch.
But what would they do, I wonder?
Who cares what they'd do!
Just two women's bodies
together is just hot!
Their hips, their legs, their belly
buttons. I mean, it's all good.
Yeah, and obviously, two women
together would know how to...
Like how what works?
- Jess, what's the matter?
- Nothing. Nothing.
It's just I have a
slight leg cramp.
You really should
get that looked at.
- Yeah. Thank you for the concern.
- No problem.
You know what, guys? I think we
really, really have to get going.
No, no. You know what? I'm a little
worried about Jessica's leg.
And I really think I
should get her into bed.
You see? That's the
thing about women.
They really know how to
take care of each other.
worried - zmartwiony
wondering - pełen zdumienia
wonder - cud
could - mógłby
going - chodzenie
cramp - skurcz
would - by
exactly - dokładnie
nicely - ładnie
obsession - obsesja
answer - Odpowiedź
argument - argument
alone - sam
think - myśleć
other - inny
about - o
together - razem
woman - kobieta
exciting - ekscytujący
attracted - przyciąga
definitely - zdecydowanie
should - powinien
describe - opisać
looked - spojrzał
women - kobiety
double - podwójnie
because - bo
belly - brzuszek
little - mało
settle - rozstrzygać
lesbian - lesbijka
matter - materia
buttons - guziki
cares - troska
weird - dziwne
obviously - oczywiście
works - prace
please - proszę
problem - Problem
whether - czy
really - naprawdę
concern - dotyczyć
whole - cały
right - dobrze
sexually - seksualnie
slight - niewielki
bodies - ciała
thank - podziękować
their - ich
nothing - nic
thing - rzecz
touch - dotknąć
trying - próbować
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