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Well, well, well, Donkey.
I know it was kind of a tender
moment back there, but the purring?
What are you talking about?
I ain't purring.
Sure. What's next? A hug?
Hey, Shrek. Donkeys don't purr. What
do you think I am, some kind of a...
Ha-ha! Fear me, if you dare!
Hey, look! A little cat.
- Look out, Shrek! He got a piece!
- It's a cat, Donkey.
Come here, little
kitty, kitty.
Come on, little kitty. Come here.
Oh! Come here, little kitty.
- Hold on, Shrek! I'm coming!
- Come on! Get it off! Get it off!
Oh, God. Oh...
- Look out, Shrek! Hold still!
- Get it off!
Shrek! Hold still!
- Did I miss?
- No. You got them.
Now, ye ogre, pray
for mercy from...
Puss... in Boots!
I'll kill that cat!
- Hairball.
- Oh! That is nasty!
What do you reckon
we should do with him?
I say we take the sword and
neuter him right here.
Give him the Bob Barker treatment.
- Oh, no! Por favor!
Please! I implore you! It was
nothing personal, Señor.
I was doing it only
for my family.
My mother, she is sick. And my
father lives off the garbage!
The King offered me much in gold
and I have a litter of brothers...
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Fiona's father paid
you to do this?
The rich King? Sí.
Well, so much for
Dad's royal blessing.
Oh, come on, Shrek.
Don't feel bad.
Almost everybody that meets
you wants to kill you.
Gee, thanks.
Maybe Fiona would've been better off if
I were some sort of Prince Charming.
That's what the King said.
Oh, uh... sorry. I thought that
question was directed at me.
Shrek, Fiona knows you'd
do anything for her.
Well, it's not like I
wouldn't change if I could.
I just... I just wish I
could make her happy.
Hold the phone...
"A tear drop away."
Donkey! Think of the saddest thing
that's ever happened to you!
Aw, man, where do I begin?
First there was the time that old farmer
tried to sell me for some magic beans.
I ain't never gonna be over that!
Then this fool went
off and had a party
and he have all the guests
trying to pin the tail on me.
Then they all got drunk and start beating
me with a stick, going "Piñata!"
What is a piñata, anyway?
No, Donkey! I need you to cry!
Don't go projecting on me.
I know you're feeling
bad, but you got to...
You hairy little
litter-licking sack of...
What? Is it on? Is it on?
This is Fairy Godmother.
I'm either away from my
desk or with a client.
But if you come by the office, we'll
be glad to make you a personal appointment.
Have a "happy ever after."
Are you up for a
little quest, Donkey?
All right, that's more like it! Shrek and
Donkey, on another whirlwind adventure!
Ain't no stoppin' us now! Wooh!
We're on the move!
- Stop, Ogre! I have misjudged you.
- Join the club. We've got jackets.
On my honour, I am obliged to accompany
you until I have saved your life
as you have spared me mine.
The position of annoying talking
animal has already been taken.
Let's go, Shrek. Shrek?
- Shrek!
- Aw, come on, Donkey. Look at him...
in his wee little boots.
You know, how many cats can wear boots?
- Let's keep him!
- Say what?
Aw, listen. He's purring!
- Oh, so now it's cute.
- Come on, Donkey. Lighten up.
Lighten up? I should lighten up? Look
who's telling who to lighten up!
wants - chce
until - aż do
trying - próbować
whirlwind - trąba powietrzna
tried - wypróbowany
treatment - leczenie
where - gdzie
thought - myśl
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
there - tam
tender - delikatny
talking - mówić
still - nadal
gonna - gonna
going - chodzenie
first - pierwszy
neuter - nijaki
farmer - rolnik
feeling - uczucie
either - zarówno
barker - szczekacz
drunk - pijany
right - dobrze
moment - za chwilę
favor - przysługa
donkey - osioł
start - początek
kitty - koteczek
garbage - śmieci
doing - robić
listen - słuchać
directed - skierowany
hairy - włochaty
donkeys - osły
father - ojciec
client - klient
jackets - kurtki
accompany - towarzyszyć
family - rodzina
little - mało
animal - zwierzę
offered - oferowany
question - pytanie
fiona - fiona
piece - kawałek
after - po
prince - książę
begin - zaczynać
anything - byle co
mercy - łaska
charming - uroczy
almost - prawie
everybody - wszyscy
taken - wzięty
adventure - przygoda
godmother - matka chrzestna
guests - goście
coming - przyjście
phone - telefon
nasty - paskudny
beans - fasolki
never - nigdy
sword - miecz
fairy - Wróżka
hairball - włosy
telling - wymowny
should - powinien
anyway - tak czy inaczej
beating - bicie
blessing - błogosławieństwo
office - gabinet
appointment - spotkanie
knows - wie
already - już
obliged - zobowiązany
brothers - braci
boots - buty
magic - magia
licking - lizanie
litter - śmieci
mother - mama
happened - stało się
happiness - szczęście
party - przyjęcie
happy - szczęśliwy
honestly - szczerze
honour - honor
lives - zyje
maybe - może
about - o
meets - spotyka się
spared - oszczędził
nothing - nic
lighten - rozjaśnić
personal - osobisty
implore - błagać
misjudged - błędny
please - proszę
could - mógłby
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