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So I'm having a quiet pint thinking, "What the fuck's happened to the Bull?"
and there's this couple sat at the table next to me...
- So what does your dad do? - Uh, property.
And they're on a date or something.
'cause he's asking about her family, what they do and that.
- Finance. - A banker.
Christ, don't tell the locals.
Priced out all the locals.
And they're some real stuck-up fuckers.
And I'm just sitting there thinking, you know, they would have been scared
to be anywhere near the Bull a couple of years ago,
and now, they're drinking five quid pints of stuff that I can't even pronounce
and giving it the biggen about what their dad does.
Yeah, just drive out all the people who actually make money for the country.
Seems like it would work out great.
Well, they'll think differently once their benefits stop.
I'm listening to these cunts go on and on and on,
I'm getting myself all worked up.
They're in our pub, my dad's old watering hole,
and they're mugging us off.
And I feel like I'm just gonna snap, you know, just lose it.
Ladies and gentlemen, how do.
So I go to the khazi to compose myself.
And once I've calmed down,
decided to get out of there before I do anything stupid.
And they're gone.
The dozy bint has only gone and left her phone behind, ain't she?
I think I'll have that.
That's my fucking karma, that is.
That's my reward for not getting stuck in.
And there's everything on there, texts, emails.
You name it, it's there.
And even some dirty pics that her and some other bloke have been sending each other.
- Is she fit? - She's all right, yeah.
See? You've been slating porn all night but failed to mention any of the benefits.
Girls are definitely getting dirtier.
- Definitely. - Like you'd know.
Oi, I'll have you know I've disappointed many a lovely lady, thank you very much.
All right, so, this phone's got everything.
And I'm getting a bit obsessed with it.
I'm still looking at it a few weeks later,
and her family live like fucking royalty.
They've got everything, mate. And her dad, this banker,
is in her photos, in front of some fuck-off house, and I'm thinking it ain't right.
And that's when I got the idea.
So we go in the house,
we teach them a lesson and we put it online.
We show the world that things can't carry on like this.
People like us aren't going to stand for it no more.
And people are gonna watch it, and they'll follow us,
and then things are gonna change.
How many of those you had?
Are you happy with the way things are, hmm?
Leave it out.
You're joking, right?
If you two don't wanna come, I'll do this by myself.
You're not old enough for a mid-life crisis, mate.
- Things have got to change, right? - They do. They do, yeah.
But attacking some random rich bloke ain't gonna get you there, is it?
He's a political target.
See, it's a statement of intent.
All right.
It's the daughter.
She's gonna visit her parents with her boyfriend in two weeks' time.
I've got a plan.
Let me know if you two wanna hear it, yeah?
years - lat
world - świat
worked - pracował
weeks - tygodni
watering - podlewanie
visit - odwiedzić
think - myśleć
these - te
there - tam
thank - podziękować
teach - nauczać
target - cel
table - stół
stuff - rzeczy
giving - dający
fucking - pierdolony
front - z przodu
girls - dziewczyny
family - rodzina
gonna - gonna
joking - żart
dirty - brudny
gentlemen - panowie
those - te
myself - siebie
locals - miejscowi
quiet - cichy
drinking - picie
obsessed - obsesję
benefits - korzyści
their - ich
follow - śledzić
random - losowy
drive - Napęd
things - rzeczy
before - przed
going - chodzenie
actually - tak właściwie
banker - bankier
getting - coraz
disappointed - rozczarowany
failed - nie
having - mający
phone - telefon
bloke - facet
finance - finanse
asking - pytając
compose - komponować
attacking - napadający
pints - kufle
house - dom
people - ludzie
listening - słuchający
watch - zegarek
decided - zdecydowany
reward - nagroda
ladies - damski
definitely - zdecydowanie
country - kraj
thinking - myślący
anything - byle co
money - pieniądze
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
change - Zmiana
night - noc
boyfriend - chłopak
fuckers - skurwiele
daughter - córka
couple - para
calmed - uspokojony
differently - różnie
about - o
other - inny
cunts - cunts
great - wspaniały
lovely - śliczny
everything - wszystko
happened - stało się
happy - szczęśliwy
behind - za
intent - zamiar
property - nieruchomość
enough - dość
karma - karma
khazi - khazi
later - później
seems - wydaje się
leave - pozostawiać
texts - teksty
pronounce - wymawiać
photos - Zdjęcia
would - by
wanna - chcę
royalty - rodzina królewska
looking - patrząc
sending - wysyłanie
stupid - głupi
emails - e-maile
mugging - rabunek
still - nadal
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