Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Angielska wymowa słowa hate

  • nienawiść
  • wstręt
  • cierpieć
  • nie cierpieć kogoś czegoś
  • bardzo nie lubić

Przykłady z filmów ze słowem Hate

- If you leave here, I hate you. - You...
The Notebook - What Do You Want?
Those that I fight I do not hate Those that I guard I do not love
Memphis Belle - Poetry
Oh, no. Bye, Aaron. You're gonna hate me forever.
Mean Girls - Making Things Right
And you were going to hate him for the rest of your life.
Gone with the Wind - Scarlett Meets Rhett
- He doesn't hate you. - Or is it, like, a woman thing?
Miss Congeniality - Gracie's New Assignment
So full of hate you just wanna go out and fight everybody
Glory - Rawlins Confronts Trip
I'd hate to be in your shoes today.
JFK - The Truth
I-I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that. I'm sorry.
Top Gun - I Was Inverted
I don't like white people! I hate rednecks!
48 Hrs. - I Hate Rednecks
No. No. I hate her. In fact, the day that you broke up with her,
She's Out of My League - Time Off
People don't go on safaris 'cause they hate animals.
Intolerable Cruelty - Carnivores
It's like "24/7" or "been there, done that." You hate that, too.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
I don't hate it enough to let it ruin my day.
Role Models - A Venti Coffee
I know you, and I fuckin' hate you!
Unfaithful - Confession
I don't like it. I hate going in blind. I'm gonna need my gun.
Men in Black 3 - Bowling Ball Head
You can't hate yourself because your dad's a twisted freak.
The Butterfly Effect - Nothing's All Better
You won't hate yourself after I'm done with you
My Man Is a Loser - The Fix
You hate bloggers, you mock Twitter.
Birdman - Relevant

Wymowa dźwiękowa słowa Hate

Wymowa amerykańska

Hate wymawia Ivy (dziecko, dziewczyna)
Hate wymawia Joanna (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Kendra (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Kimberly (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Salli (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Joey (mężczyzna)
Hate wymawia Justin (dziecko, chłopiec)
Hate wymawia Matthew (mężczyzna)

Wymowa brytyjska

Hate wymawia Amy (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Emma (kobieta)
Hate wymawia Brian (mężczyzna)