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Can I talk to you for a sec?
- What? - Pino, who's your favorite basketball player?
Magic Johnson.
- Who's your favorite movie star? - Eddie Murphy.
- Who's your favorite rock star? - Prince.
- You're a Prince freak. - Boss. Bruce.
- Prince. - Bruss.
Pino, all you talk about is nigger this and nigger that.
And now your favorite people are so called niggers.
It's different. Magic, Eddie, Prince... are not niggers.
I mean, they're not black, I mean-- Let me explain myself.
They're... They're not really black, right?
I mean, they're black, but they're not really.
They're more than black.
It's different. It's different?
Yeah. To me, it's... it's different.
You know, deep down the side that you wish you were black.
Get the fuck out of here.
Laugh if you want to. You know, your hair's kinkier than mine.
What does that mean?
And you know what they say about dark Italians.
- You know, I been listening and reading - You been reading now?
I read.
I've been reading about your leaders.
Reverend Al ''Mister Doo'' Sharpton.
Jesse ''Keep hope alive''...
- That's fucked up. - ''Keep hope alive.''
Hey, that's fucked. Don't talk about Jesse.
And even the other guy, what's his name? Faraman, Fairakan--
- Minister Farakhan. - Right. Sorry.
Minister Farakhan.
Anyway, Minister Farakhan always talks about the so-called day...
when... when the black man will rise, we will one day...
What does he say? ''We will one day rule the earth
as we did in our glorious past''?
That's right.
What past you talking about? I mean, what... What did I miss?
We started civilization.
Man, keep dreaming, man.
Then you woke up!
Pino, fuck you. Fuck your fucking pizza,
and fuck Frank Sinatra.
Yeah? Well, fuck you, too, and fuck Michael Jackson.
You dago, wop, guinea, garlic-breath, pizza-slinging,
spaghetti-bending, Vic Damone, Perry Como,
Luciano Pavarotti, solo mio, nonsinging motherfucker.
You gold-teeth, gold-chain-wearing,
fried-chicken and biscuit-eating monkey,
ape, baboon, big thigh, fast-running, high-jumping, spear-chucking,
360-degree basketball-dunking,
tit, soon, spade, moulan, yan.
Take your fucking pizza piece and go the fuck back to Africa.
You little slanty-eyed, me-no-speaky-American,
own every fruit and vegetable stand in New York,
bullshit, Reverend Sun Yung Moon,
Summer Olympic '88, Korean kick-boxing, son of a bitch.
You Goya bean-eating, 15-in-a-car,
30-in-an-apartment, pointy shoes, red-wearing,
It's cheap. I got good price for you,
Mayor Kochie, ''How I'm doing?''
Chocolate-egg-cream drinking,
Jew asshole.
Yo! Hold up! Time out!
Time out! Y'all, take a chill!
Ya need to cool that shit out!
vegetable - vegetal
teeth - dentes
talking - falando
spear - lança
speaky - falar
spaghetti - espaguete
spade - pá
slinging - estilingue
wearing - vestindo
sinatra - Sinatra
faraman - Faraman
fairakan - fairakan
explain - explicar
dunking - dunking
dreaming - sonhando
doing - fazendo
luciano - luciano
eating - comendo
bruce - bruce
american - americano
degree - grau
civilization - civilização
niggers - negros
chucking - chucking
eddie - eddie
freak - aberração
anyway - de qualquer forma
chill - calafrio
olympic - olímpico
chicken - frango
talks - fala
guinea - guiné
every - cada
garlic - alho
mayor - prefeito
thigh - coxa
myself - eu mesmo
earth - Terra
perry - perada
africa - África
different - diferente
player - jogador
asshole - idiota
basketball - basquetebol
apartment - apartamento
about - sobre
favorite - favorito
farakhan - farakhan
damone - damone
slanty - esguio
bending - dobrando
chocolate - chocolate
started - começado
bitch - cadela
frank - frank
right - certo
boxing - boxe
stand - ficar de pé
sorry - desculpa
jesse - Jesse
cheap - barato
breath - respiração
other - de outros
pizza - pizza
bruss - bruss
magic - magia
called - chamado
chain - cadeia
fried - frito
italians - italianos
fruit - fruta
fucked - fodido
drinking - bebendo
sharpton - Sharpton
fucking - fodendo
glorious - glorioso
minister - ministro
murphy - murphy
black - preto
jackson - jackson
always - sempre
price - preço
summer - verão
johnson - [object Object]
bullshit - besteira
reading - leitura
jumping - saltando
biscuit - bolacha
kinkier - kinkier
kochie - válaszd bármelyik videót, hogy megnézhesd
reverend - reverendo
baboon - babuíno
korean - coreano
laugh - rir
running - corrida
little - pequeno
piece - peça
michael - michael
monkey - macaco
leaders - líderes
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