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Como se pronúncia beast

  • besta
  • animal
  • bruto
  • quadrúpede
  • brutamontes

Exemplos de filmes com Beast

In high school, I still didn't take crap from anyone, man or beast.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody
Release the beast and Purge in our American streets.
The Purge - Time for Lockdown
It's almost like it was bitten off by some enormous beast.
The Iron Giant - Something Big
I started spending all the time I could spare searching for the beast.
Harry and the Hendersons - There Are No Bigfeet!
We'd like to thank you for your help with that dread beast.
Your Highness - The Fair Isabel
and every beast that walks upon the ground.
Noah - Creation Sequence
There were plants and fish and fowl and beast,
Noah - Creation Sequence
You were bitten by the beast. You bear his mark now.
The Wolfman - You're Trespassing
we offer our gratitude for this beast, for this blood,
Southbound - Mystery Meat Dinner

Pronúncia de áudio de Beast

Pronúncia americana

Beast pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Beast pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Beast pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Beast pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Beast pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Beast pronunciado por Brian (masculino)