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Como se pronúncia created

  • feito
  • inventado

Exemplos de filmes com Created

We've created a scale so that we can forget its unfathomable scale.
Lucy - Time is the Answer
You see, it was inevitable that a compound would be created,
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
You would think that if you created a place where...
Vice - Stick to the Story
And we created factions to ensure peace.
Insurgent - We're The Solution
evidence that you've actually created a traversable wormhole.
Synchronicity - Edison
I created a story about sidekicks searching for a hero in my head,
Life, Animated - Protector of the Sidekicks
but they have created us to evolve alone, beyond them.
Ghost in the Shell - The Ghost is Yours
The disease that the Others created. The disease that you created.
The 5th Wave - Did You Shoot Me?
the vacuum created by the centripetal force
Happy Death Day 2U - Post-Credits
What you've created here is truly remarkable.
Happy Death Day 2U - Post-Credits

Pronúncia de áudio de Created

Pronúncia americana

Created pronunciado por Ivy (criança, garota)
Created pronunciado por Joanna (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Kendra (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Kimberly (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Salli (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Joey (masculino)
Created pronunciado por Justin (criança, garoto)
Created pronunciado por Matthew (masculino)

Pronúncia britânica

Created pronunciado por Amy (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Emma (feminino)
Created pronunciado por Brian (masculino)