Come join the party in the dust and the sand

Chip on your shoulder sweat and dirt on your hands

Machines in slumber start to lumber outside

Head full of numbers see the colours collide

Such safest Sanctuary

Droppin' them dollars on you thank you very

Much by the way no refunds

Back into the boneyard badlands we run

I saw a siren singing

Shifting through the shots-a ringing

Frying burning cuts-a stinging

Bringing you the pain

Come on down and join the party tonight

We ain't the kind to turn away from a fight

Chips on our shoulders, sweat and dirt on our hands

Cause we're breaking down the borders

As we light up the lands

You ain't a skag, are you?

watch - izlemek
trick - hile
tonight - Bu gece
sweat - ter
stinging - sızlatan
smoke - duman
slumber - uyuklama
siren - siren
singing - şan
shoulders - omuzlar
electric - elektrik
start - başlama
dollars - dolar
breaking - kırma
close - kapat
explosive - patlayıcı
hands - eller
claptrap - palavra
chips - cips
shots - çekim
vicious - ahlaksız
collide - çarpışmak
bringing - getiren
stone - taş
outside - dışında
seeds - tohumlar
smell - koku
burning - yanan
shoulder - omuz
better - Daha iyi
crash - kaza
derelict - sahipsiz
badlands - verimsiz topraklar
alone - yalnız
lands - topraklar
light - ışık
borders - sınırlar
safest - en güvenli
caustic - kostik
through - vasitasiyla
splash - sıçrama
fiction - kurgu
simmer - kaynatma
ringing - çınlama
colours - renkler
cause - sebeb olmak
corrosive - aşındırıcı
shifting - değişken
fight - kavga
party - parti
flash - flaş
frying - kızartma
refunds - iadeler
boneyard - otomobil mezarlığı
lumber - kereste
thank - teşekkür
shell - Kabuk
machines - Makineler
notes - notlar
malicious - kötü niyetli
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
numbers - sayılar
wheel - tekerlek
radio - radyo
voice - Ses
sanctuary - barınak
shack - kulübe

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