On the metal world of Cybertron

There is a rockin' robot race

Two warring tribes are laying waste

To a once great shining place

Molten metal fires

Dot the alloy and the chrome

Sparks and twisted wires

Stain the surface of our home

The Autobots are hunted

By the cruel Decepticons

The slaughter is directed

By the evil Megatron

This metal robo-Stalin

Only has one equal foe

So ready up your battle cry

It's time to let him know...


We're gonna blow these stinkin' cons away


We're makin' a bigger mess than Michael Bay


They're gonna pay for tearin' up our home


Pedal to metal time to kick some chrome!

Starsceam is an idiot

world - Dünya
wires - teller
witwicky - witwicky
weaker - zayıf
waste - atık
warring - savaşan
twisted - bükülmüş
surface - Yüzey
stars - yıldızlar
stalin - stalin
stain - leke
squash - kabak
sparks - kıvılcımlar
slaughter - katliam
shout - bağırmak
rumble - gümbürtü
robot - robot
ready - hazır
swindle - dolandırma
place - yer
piloting - تجريب
beryllium - berilyum
function - fonksiyon
shining - parlıyor
phoney - sahte
fires - Yangınlar
course - kurs
great - harika
crumble - ufalamak
cowers - cowers
baloney - saçma
megatron - 威震
compared - karşılaştırıldığında
leave - ayrılmak
their - onların
circuits - devreler
laying - döşeme
tribes - kabileler
there - Orada
cybertron - cybertron
inferior - aşağı
market - pazar
nowhere - hiçbir yerde
equal - eşit
battle - savaş
michael - michael
behind - arkasında
alloy - alaşım
cease - durdurmak
bigger - daha büyük
burning - yanan
cruel - acımasız
chrome - krom
fizzle - başarısızlık
ghetto - geto
gonna - olacak
these - bunlar
soundwave -
directed - yönlendirilmiş
cosmos - evren
pedal - pedal
gotta - lazım
kinda - tür
hears - duyar
hunted - avlanan
cause - sebeb olmak
idiot - salak
interior - iç
leader - lider
decepticons - decepticons
metal - metal
molten - erimiş
muscles - kaslar

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