My best is pointless, outrun but I'll never win

This state of conflict, makes sense, don't think about it

I ran away when I was 15, I was dead by 17

I know the world owes me everything

I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna make it

Walking on the warmer stones

Going nowhere, now I'm here

Not a name for what I am

I guess I'm just another demon of mercy

All talk, no action, completely incomplete

Why wish me well when I know exactly what you think?

I came alive when I was 18, you forget, I'm everything

I know the world owes me nothing

walking - yürüme
think - düşünmek
stones - taşlar
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
sense - duyu
pointless - anlamsız
outrun - depar
nowhere - hiçbir yerde
never - asla
weapon - silah
bullet - mermi
exactly - kesinlikle
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
guess - tahmin
mercy - merhamet
warmer - daha sıcak
appreciated - takdir
blessed - mübarek
before - önce
overrated - abartılan
anything - her şey
another - bir diğeri
action - aksiyon
about - hakkında
completely - Tamamen
alive - canlı
world - Dünya
conflict - fikir ayrılığı
demon - iblis
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
forget - unutmak
incomplete - tamamlanmamış
under - altında
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
makes - markaları

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