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You've been accused of practicing medicine without a license.
That's a very grave charge, son.
Are you aware that it's unlawful to
practice medicine without a medical license ?
Yes, sir, I am.
Are you aware that running a medical clinic
without the proper licensing...
can place both you and the public in a great deal of danger ?
ls a home a clinic, sir ?
If you are admitting patients and treating them...
physical location is irrelevant.
Sir, will you define treatment for me ?
Yes. Treatment would be defined as the care
of a patient seeking medical attention.
Have you been treating patients, Mr. Adams ?
Sir, I live with several people. They come and go as they please.
I offer them whatever help I can.
Mr. Adams...
have you or have you not been treating patients at your ranch ?
Everyone who comes to the ranch is a patient, yes.
And every person who comes to the ranch is also a doctor.
I'm sorry ?
Every person who comes to the ranch is in need...
of some form of physical or mental help.
They're patients.
But also every person who comes to the ranch
is in charge of taking care of someone else--
whether it's cooking for them, cleaning them...
or even as simple a task as listening.
That makes them doctors.
I use that term broadly
but is not a doctor someone who helps someone else ?
When did the term ''doctor'' get treated with such reverence, as
''Right this way, Doctor Smith'' or...
''Excuse me, Dr. Scholl what wonderful footpads''...
or, ''Pardon me, Dr. Patterson, but your flatulence has no order''?
At what point in history did a doctor become more...
than a trusted and learned friend who visited and treated the ill ?
Now, you ask me if I've been practicing medicine.
Well, if this means opening your door to those in need--
those in pain--
caring for them, listening to them,
applying a cold cloth until a fever breaks
if this is practicing medicine, if this is treating a patient...
then I am guilty as charged, sir.
Did you consider the ramifications of your actions ?
What if one of your patients had died ?
What's wrong with death, sir ?
What are we so mortally afraid of ?
Why can't we treat death with a certain amount of
humanity and dignity and decency and, God forbid, maybe even humor?
Death is not the enemy, gentlemen.
If we're gonna fight a disease
let's fight one of the most terrible diseases of all - indifference.
Now, I've sat in your schools and heard people lecture on transference
and professional distance.
Transference is inevitable, sir.
Every human being has an impact on another.
Why don't we want that in a patient-doctor relationship ?
That's why I've listened to your teachings, and I believe they're wrong.
A doctor's mission should be not just to prevent death...
but also to improve the quality of life.
That's why you treat a disease, you win, you lose.
You treat a person, I guarantee you, you win.
wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
wonderful - meraviglioso
visited - visitato
until - fino a
unlawful - illegale
trusted - di fiducia
treatment - trattamento
treating - trattamento
transference - trasferimento
terrible - terribile
teachings - insegnamenti
simple - semplice
should - dovrebbero
several - parecchi
taking - presa
seeking - cerca
schools - scuole
scholl - scholl
running - in esecuzione
reverence - riverenza
relationship - relazione
gonna - andando
gentlemen - gentiluomini
doctors - medici
forbid - vietare
fever - febbre
everyone - tutti
every - dejte pozor
defined - definito
doctor - medico
treat - trattare
sorry - scusa
dignity - dignità
diseases - malattie
cooking - cucinando
comes - viene
makes - fa
broadly - a grandi linee
license - licenza
helps - aiuta
accused - accusato
another - un altro
death - morte
place - posto
disease - malattia
those - quelli
practice - pratica
means - si intende
fight - combattimento
charged - carico
attention - attenzione
actions - azioni
decency - decenza
admitting - ammettendo
amount - quantità
maybe - può essere
without - senza
danger - pericolo
distance - distanza
consider - prendere in considerazione
afraid - impaurito
adams - adams
charge - carica
cloth - stoffa
enemy - nemico
believe - credere
flatulence - flatulenza
breaks - pause
caring - cura
heard - sentito
licensing - koncesjonowanie
human - umano
proper - corretto
being - essere
cleaning - pulizia
become - diventare
friend - amico
person - persona
grave - tomba
great - grande
aware - consapevole
guilty - colpevole
patterson - patterson
ramifications - ramificazioni
history - storia
humanity - umanità
someone - qualcuno
clinic - clinica
mission - missione
improve - migliorare
indifference - indifferenza
inevitable - inevitabile
whatever - qualunque cosa
irrelevant - non pertinente
impact - urto
patient - paziente
treated - trattati
ranch - ranch
applying - l'applicazione
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