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- You don't even know how to be a husband!
- Sit down before...
It's okay.
I have Nick the Pig as a friend.
- What kind of life is that?
- Come on.
Can't you see...
what we're becoming, Tony?
We're losers.
We're not winners.
Go home. You're stoned.
I'm not stoned; you're stoned.
- Hey, get her outta here.
- Come on, come on, come on.
I'm not going home with you.
I'm not going home with anybody.
I'm going home alone.
I'm leaving you.
I don't need this shit anymore.
Okay, but I'll walk you out.
I'll take her home in a cab.
Let her go.
Let her go, man.
Another Quaalude,
she gonna love me again.
What you lookin' at?
You all a bunch
of fuckin' assholes.
You know why?
You don't have the guts
to be what you wanna be?
You need people like me.
You need people like me
so you can point your fuckin' fingers...
and say,
''That's the bad guy.''
So... what that make you?
You're not good.
You just know how to hide--
how to lie.
Me, I don't have that problem.
Me, I always tell the truth.
Even when I lie.
So say good night
to the bad guy!
Come on.
The last time you gonna see a bad guy
like this again, let me tell you.
Come on.
Make way for the bad guy.
winners - vincitori
truth - verità
stoned - sballato
quaalude - Quaalude
becoming - diventando
anymore - più
again - ancora
anybody - nessuno
wanna - voglio
before - prima
assholes - stronzi
another - un altro
alone - da solo
outta - outta
losers - perdenti
bunch - mazzo
fingers - dita
husband - marito
going - andando
gonna - andando
leaving - in partenza
always - sempre
night - notte
people - persone
friend - amico
point - punto
problem - problema
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