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Pronuncia di guy in Inglese

  • individuo
  • figura grottesca

Esempi dai film con Guy

Usually takes me a couple weeks to pick the guy.
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
Well, this guy can stay in my room, I'll tell you that much.
Billy Madison - Billy at Dinner
What are you talking about? The guy was decapitated. I looked it up.
Soapdish - Script Changes
How am I supposed to write for a guy that doesn't have a head?
Soapdish - Script Changes
No, I don't mean Hitler. I mean the other guy. The other one.
Soapdish - Script Changes
Boys. I've never even got to first base with a guy.
Cruel Intentions - Getting to First Base
but it's just normal, you know, guy stuff.
Serendipity - The Groom's Gift
Over there is just a guy in a suit!
Mallrats - Superman's Baby
when you're driving with the "other guy's" brake pads.
Tommy Boy - Desktop Demo
New guy's in the corner pukin' his guts out.
Tommy Boy - Desktop Demo
Oh, my god. You totally have a crush on that guy.
Mean Girls - Such a Good Friend
Right. Well, see, I'm more of a literal kinda guy.
Hitch - Professional Help
Nope. I'm just an ordinary guy... with nothing to lose.
American Beauty - Lester Blackmails Brad
- How do you believe a crazy guy? - That's the beauty of it, isn't it?
Shutter Island - What If They Wanted You Here?
If a guy talked to me like that, I'd punch him in the face.
Couples Retreat - Couples Therapy
Zooey, here's the deal. Peter's always been a "girlfriend guy."
I Love You, Man - A Girlfriend Guy
I'll be the bad guy. But who's holding the fucking gun?
John Q - Hypocritical Oath
Meanwhile, only dude I have to look up to is the guy from Big Bang Theory.
Barbershop: The Next Cut - Unequal Opportunity
Some guy from a road crew recommended it to you? A fucking subtitled movie?
The Fighter - There Wasn't Even Any Good Sex in It
No guy in his right mind would ever make that up.
She's Out of My League - Honesty

Pronuncia audio di Guy

Pronuncia americana

Guy pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Guy pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Guy pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Guy pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Guy pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Guy pronunciato da Brian (uomo)

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