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Pronuncia di though in Inglese

anche se
  • sebbene
  • benché
  • tuttavia
  • comunque
  • eppure

Esempi dai film con Though

I have a snapshot of my mother, though.
One Hour Photo - Uncle Sy
Let's just work out the money thing first, though, yeah?
Office Christmas Party - Dating Troubles
It doesn't really rhyme, though.
Paterson - Secret Notebook
It will be a film, though, sweetheart, because it's about me, isn't it?
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie - Stem Cells
He showed me much love though I only knew him a few hours.
Belle - Is It What You Want?
Even though I know what I've done, I also feel like...
The Voices - A Stone-Cold Murdering Maniac
He is of Russian extraction, though educated in England.
The Assassination Bureau - You Want My Life
The clothes are freshly-pressed. He's a young man, though.
Mr. Holmes - A Man Comes to Baker Street
And even though on their own, both are great...
Open Season 2 - S'mores
I mean, I don't want to kiss your wife, even though her lips felt like heaven.
A Thousand Words - You Found My Furry Tapes
She's leaving you. - Nonsense! - I am, though!
The Great Gatsby - A Fit of Rage
l feel the same way though! - What you're feeling-
I Spy - Pseudo-Double Agent

Pronuncia audio di Though

Pronuncia americana

Though pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Though pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Though pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Though pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Though pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Though pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Though pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Though pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Though pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Though pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Though pronunciato da Brian (uomo)