Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.


Pronuncia di turn in Inglese

  • volta
  • giro
  • direzione
  • svolta
  • girata
  • curva
  • piega
  • cambiamento
  • giravolta
  • attacco
  • attitudine
  • accidente
  • brutto colpo
  • numero
  • indirizzo
  • girare
  • svoltare
  • trasformare
  • trasformarsi
  • voltare
  • diventare
  • rivolgere
  • volgere
  • cambiare
  • virare
  • rovesciare
  • curvare
  • divenire
  • piegare
  • dirigere
  • sviare
  • andare a male

Esempi dai film con Turn

I can always turn her into a squirrel instead.
Ella Enchanted - Gift of Obedience
We can turn his algorithm upside down and...
Saw VI - Voice Recognition
David, you can't turn me into a grandmother.
Soapdish - Script Changes
You would never turn your back on us.
Ray - A Better Deal
- Can we turn our beds into bunk beds? - Yes.
Step Brothers - Bunk Beds
Hey! Let me have a turn. Please, Tom.
Tom Sawyer - Whitewashin'
- Really? - Oh yeah, all this. I... I turn all the banisters myself
The Lovely Bones - Last Wednesday
and you managed to turn feeling into a job or an activity,
Couples Retreat - Couples Therapy
- Hospitals can't turn people away. - Isn't there laws against that?
John Q - Hypocritical Oath
Turn, and you'll see your beautiful, loving wife.
Total Recall - Delusion or Reality?
Made me want to turn away and never look down again.
Stardust - I Know a Lot About Love
Hey, enough with the red light. Turn it off.
Spare Parts - The Competition Begins
Turn down an assignment? Start thinking for yourself?
The Bourne Legacy - We're Done Talking
There's absolutely no way they're gonna let us turn the exit signs off.
Steve Jobs - Fix the Voice Demo
I have eight weeks to turn them into an actual band.
Bandslam - Putting the Band Together
You ever get the feeling that there's a part of ourselves we just turn off?
Middle Men - A Part of Ourselves
Make a legal U-turn, then slight right in 4228 miles.
Arthur Christmas - Scared of Everything
basically turn the entire upstairs into a secondary master suite
Failure to Launch - Tripp Exposes the Plan
Turn the TV volume all the way up.
Tell - Shooting the Safe
Joe, what's the matter? Don't I turn you on?
Joe Dirt - You're My Sister!

Pronuncia audio di Turn

Pronuncia americana

Turn pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Turn pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Turn pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Turn pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Turn pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Turn pronunciato da Brian (uomo)