Tracy died soon after a long fought civil war,

just after I'd wiped away his last tear

I guess he's better off than he was before,

A whole lot better off than the fools he left here

I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because he was my only friend

Those kind of cars don't pass u every day

I used 2 cry 4 Tracy because I wanted to see him again,

But sometimes sometimes life ain't always the way...

Sometimes it snows in April

Sometimes I feel so bad, so bad

Sometimes I wish life was never ending,

and all good things, they say, never last

Springtime was always my favorite time of year,

wiped - wytrzeć
whole - cały
wanted - chciał
friend - przyjaciel
maybe - może
realized - realizowany
ending - kończący się
hands - ręce
hypnotized - zahipnotyzowany
sometimes - czasami
dream - śnić
death - śmierć
could - mógłby
always - zawsze
fought - walczył
fools - głupcy
heaven - niebo
answer - Odpowiedź
another - inne
picture - obrazek
favorite - ulubiony
snows - śniegiem
because - bo
every - dejte pozor
after - po
april - kwiecień
again - jeszcze raz
civil - cywilny
cried - - zawołał
before - przed
reminds - przypomina
strong - silny
better - lepszy
those - te
unafraid - nieustraszony
holding - trzymać
lovers - zakochani
springtime - wiosna
never - nigdy
often - często
things - rzeczy
guess - odgadnąć
found - uznany
tears - łzy
there - tam
staring - gapiowski
tracy - tracy
until - aż do

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