Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Angielska wymowa słowa glass

  • kieliszek
  • szklanka
  • szyba
  • szkiełko
  • lustro
  • soczewka
  • barometr
  • stopka

Przykłady z filmów ze słowem Glass

Excuse me. Could you just pour me a full glass? I'll pay for it, okay?
Sideways - Miles Makes a Scene
- Okay, pal? What do you think? - Put the glass down.
Sideways - Miles Makes a Scene
He is here to fix the glass that you broke the last time you were here.
Charlie Wilson's War - Another Broken Window
I can't stand it when you guys order a glass of water and a crouton.
Shallow Hal - Lunch With Rosemary
Splattered homegirl up against the motherfuckin' glass and all that shit.
Belly - Tommy's Crib
I'll give you my glass stopper.
Tom Sawyer - Whitewashin'
Then she asked me if she can have a glass of water?
Shutter Island - Could You Stop That?
And it's glass. So is it a window or is it a door?
The World's End - Unfinished Business
You put a packet into a glass of water and stir it.
The Founder - Milkshake
Well, then pick up the glass! Stop pushing it off the table.
She's Funny That Way - Awkward Dinner
But his head was turned by a girl with glass slippers.
Cinderella - Well that is a mistake
Well, a cigarette song. Apres... heist, glass of scotch.
Baby Driver - A Score for a Score
<i>And the walls have broken glass and nails sticking out.</i>
Matilda - Pigtail Hammer Throw

Wymowa dźwiękowa słowa Glass

Wymowa amerykańska

Glass wymawia Ivy (dziecko, dziewczyna)
Glass wymawia Joanna (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Kendra (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Kimberly (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Salli (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Joey (mężczyzna)
Glass wymawia Justin (dziecko, chłopiec)
Glass wymawia Matthew (mężczyzna)

Wymowa brytyjska

Glass wymawia Amy (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Emma (kobieta)
Glass wymawia Brian (mężczyzna)