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Travis took this idea about
the hydrological cycle
and turned it into
this epic journey.
This hydrological cycle, it's easy
to just write it off as, well,
that's the weather.
We steal a lot of the magic from
things that we give names to.
It's this beautiful,
choreographed cycle of life.
If you were standing on the moon
looking back at Earth, at
one point during the day,
you're looking at a blue planet.
The ocean traps the sun's heat energy
and turns it into a solar engine.
A system of ocean currents
called the North Pacific Gyre
moves in a clockwise direction, driven
by wind and the rotation of the Earth,
distributing this heat
energy around the planet.
This helps fuel the storms
that drive our winters.
I realized, by combining my love of the
ocean with my love of the mountains,
it might be possible to actually follow
the flow around the North Pacific,
travel with the water that melts
down from the Continental Divide,
sail with it as it
sweeps across the ocean,
and turns into the snow
that blankets Japan.
The cycle swings up and tears
past the Kamchatka peninsula,
and then finally banks into the catcher's
mitt that forms the Gulf of Alaska.
These charged weather systems coming off
the ocean hit these coastal mountains,
which ring out precipitation
like a sponge,
creating some of the most incredible
snow formations on the planet.
The most extreme example of this is in
the zone in AK we named, "So Far Gone."
I've never seen a place
like this before.
The way this snow sticks to the mountains
creates these pillowed spine lines
that are totally sci-fi.
Since the first time I saw it I
haven't stopped thinking about it.
The whole area has ice up high
that forms these natural kickers.
It's subtle, but this allows you
to do tricks you couldn't pull off
in a normal AK style line.
I look at mountains and
I ride them in my mind.
The possibilities for progression
mother nature has provided here,
it's unparalleled.
This area is so remote,
we have to camp,
and because it's protected
wilderness, we can't use helis.
We have to hike.
It's a purely
human-powered mission.
Once Travis has an idea in his head,
it's really hard for him to let it go.
I think the only thing Travis
is afraid of is failure.
write - escreva
wilderness - região selvagem
whole - todo
which - qual
unparalleled - inigualável
turned - virou
tricks - truques
travel - viagem
traps - armadilhas
totally - totalmente
thinking - pensando
think - pensar
tears - lágrimas
systems - sistemas
swings - balanços
sweeps - varredura
thing - coisa
cycle - ciclo
human - humano
hydrological - hidrológico
finally - finalmente
clockwise - sentido horário
first - primeiro
forms - formas
realized - percebi
extreme - extremo
engine - motor
choreographed - coreografado
called - chamado
magic - magia
energy - energia
place - lugar, colocar
weather - clima
drive - dirigir
divide - dividir
because - porque
winters - invernos
coming - chegando
coastal - costeiro
earth - Terra
charged - carregada
incredible - incrível
actually - na realidade
things - coisas
before - antes
driven - dirigido
example - exemplo
helps - ajuda
distributing - distribuindo
direction - direção
turns - gira
afraid - receoso
system - sistema
never - nunca
solar - solar
around - por aí
remote - controlo remoto
failure - falha
beautiful - bonita
travis - travis
about - sobre
steal - roubar
alaska - alasca
currents - correntes
across - através
blankets - cobertores
creates - cria
combining - combinando
water - agua
journey - viagem
continental - continental
names - nomes
japan - Japão
kickers - kickers
these - estes
lines - linhas
creating - criando
moves - se move
rotation - rotação
looking - olhando
kamchatka - kamchatka
subtle - sutil
melts - derrete
might - poderia
formations - formações
during - durante
mission - missão
mother - mãe
follow - segue
mountains - montanhas
possibilities - possibilidades
natural - natural
named - nomeado
protected - protegido
nature - natureza
normal - normal
banks - bancos
provided - forneceu
ocean - oceano
pacific - pacífico
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