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Pronuncia di ever in Inglese

  • sempre
  • continuamente

Esempi dai film con Ever

no one but the seven of us will ever know.
Clue - Over His Dead Body
It'll be the hardest trace they've ever heard.
Sneakers - Call to the NSA
Don't you ever tire of having people wait on you all the time?
Ever After - Contradictions
Steve doesn't want ever them to pour champagne for themselves
54 - New Bus Boy
you can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I've ever seen.
Scent of a Woman - I'm In the Dark
...ever since our parents got married.
Cruel Intentions - The Bet
Well, actually, nobody on this planet ever really chooses each other.
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
Damn, nobody's ever said no to a date with me before.
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
Haven't you ever practiced on one of your girlfriends?
Cruel Intentions - Getting to First Base
If you ain't careful, that's all you ever gonna be.
Glory - Rawlins Confronts Trip
You scored higher than anyone I've ever interviewed.
Secretary - There's Something About You
Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important.
JFK - The Truth
Ain't nobody ever put it that sweet, I guess.
Ray - Hummingbirds
Ray, the only thing I was ever scared of losing was you.
Ray - A Wake Up Call
Because where was I ever gonna find another Ray Robinson?
Ray - A Wake Up Call
more than all the women you ever slept with on the road,
Ray - A Wake Up Call
more than all the dope you ever took.
Ray - A Wake Up Call
This is the funnest night ever!
Step Brothers - Bunk Beds
without ever having to really know anybody.
Good Will Hunting - Imperfections
if you ever touch me again. Okay, pumpkin.
Hitch - Professional Help
How could I ever acquire enough detail
Inception - Shared Dreaming
Right to the edge of the envelope, Faster than you've ever flown before
Top Gun - Arrogant Pilot
Look, if you ever get bored or feel like schmoozing...
Alfie - Joe
- You ever enter one of those? - Writing contest?
Finding Forrester - The Pulitzer Prize

Pronuncia audio di Ever

Pronuncia americana

Ever pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Ever pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Ever pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Ever pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Ever pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Ever pronunciato da Brian (uomo)