My timing is off
She isn't ready for my love
It's all that I've got
But it's a pretty big thing
That she should recognize
The truth between us cannot hide
She knows that it's real
But the situation doesn't fit
I know what I feel
worried - zmartwiony
truth - Prawda
sometimes - czasami
happiness - szczęście
pretty - ładny
throw - rzucać
situation - sytuacja
enough - dość
doubt - wątpić
should - powinien
believe - uwierzyć
works - prace
about - o
thing - rzecz
between - pomiędzy
knows - wie
timing - wyczucie czasu
matters - Sprawy
yourself - siebie
brave - odważny
gotta - musieć
cannot - nie może
other - inny
heart - serce
loved - kochał
ready - gotowy
choice - Wybór
recognize - rozpoznać
really - naprawdę
single - Pojedynczy
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