When the light comes and yu're feelin' down

Cause your baby's out there somewhere runnin' round.

Don't start feeling blue and feeling lonely too,

It's hard I know when that love ain't true.

You just can't explain, but you know it's there,

That empty feeling seems so unfair.

those - te
feeling - uczucie
ahead - przed siebie
falls - spada
right - dobrze
every - dejte pozor
thing - rzecz
empty - pusty
feelings - uczucia
heartbreak - złamanie serca
comes - pochodzi
night - noc
break - Przerwa
explain - wyjaśniać
heart - serce
there - tam
light - lekki
lonely - samotny
unfair - niesprawiedliwy
round - okrągły
seems - wydaje się
cause - przyczyna
somewhere - gdzieś
start - początek

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