Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di let in Inglese

  • affitto
  • lasciare
  • affittare
  • immettere
  • autorizzare

Esempi dai film con Let

Pinko, let me be the first to welcome you and shake your hand.
Toy Story Meets Pinko | Robot Chicken
I won't let Messala go unpunished for what he's done to us
Ben-Hur Official Trailer
We'll let some people in when it clears out a little.
Knocked Up You Old, She Pregnant
I can't let you in 'cause you're old as fuck, for this club,
Knocked Up You Old, She Pregnant
I'm only allowed to let in five percent black people.
Knocked Up You Old, She Pregnant
I get to let in one-and-a-quarter black people.
Knocked Up You Old, She Pregnant
But there's no cure, so let this fever rage
Hairspray - Timeless Couple
I just wonder, if perhaps your heart might be a bit bigger than you want to let on?
Fifty Shades of Grey - A Little Curious
Fuck man, why can't you let me make my own decisions about my fucking body?
Alien Abortion - Uncensored
Stu, let's get Walt a round. His dick's broken.
Identity Thief - Big Chuck and Diana
- Let me take a shit on that paper, so there's something funny on it.
Road to Roast Battle: Los Angeles - Uncensored
What? I still feel good, Coach. Let me finish this 8th.
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Whack-Bat
No, no, come on. Step out, step out, let's go.
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Whack-Bat
You're improving, let's put it like that.
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Whack-Bat
That record is going to hold for a while, let me tell you.
Unbroken - An Olympic Record

Pronuncia audio di Let

Pronuncia americana

Let pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Let pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Let pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Let pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Let pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Let pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Let pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Let pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Let pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Let pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Let pronunciato da Brian (uomo)