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Sorry I'm late. I have to get a divorce.
What? Holy!
You cheated?
- No. - She did?
- No. - So what happened?
I'm in love with someone else.
- Who? - You don't know her.
Where'd you meet her?
- You don't want to know that. - Wait a minute.
You asked me here to talk and now you don't want to talk?
- What do you want from me? - I don't know.
Give me a hint.
- Some paternal wisdom. How about that? - Fine.
Look, you're talking to someone who knows how hard marriage can be.
In the beginning, it's all briskets and the la-di-da, ain't life grand?
But soon enough, real life starts, right?
You come home from work, all she wants to do is talk.
All you want to do is... right?
And before long, every day is like pushing an avocado through a cheese grater.
It all feels like you're holding a pile...
This is the paternal wisdom I'm gonna get?
Maybe you should just take a step back before you do something rash
and take a good hard look at the situation.
You're married to a well-bred woman who is loaded.
Makes a nice, flaky kugel, has a beautiful rack.
And many successful marriages have been built on far less.
through - attraverso
successful - riuscito
starts - inizia
woman - donna
situation - situazione
paternal - paterno
wants - vuole
sorry - scusa
maybe - può essere
married - sposato
marriages - matrimoni
marriage - matrimonio
briskets - briskets
makes - fa
built - costruito
talking - parlando
asked - chiesto
before - prima
cheese - formaggio
beginning - inizio
kugel - kugel
wisdom - saggezza
minute - minuto
beautiful - bellissimo
about - di
something - qualcosa
avocado - avocado
cheated - truffato
divorce - divorzio
right - destra
knows - conosce
enough - abbastanza
should - dovrebbero
every - dejte pozor
happened - è accaduto
grand - grande
pushing - spingendo
loaded - caricato
flaky - a falde
gonna - andando
someone - qualcuno
feels - si sente
grater - grattugia
holding - detenzione
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