"Cause when I flow the for the street.." - ".. who else could it be"




Explode, my thoughts were drunken from quarts of beers

Was years back, before Nasir would explore a career in rap

As a music dude, I mastered this Rubik's Cube

Godzilla, fought Gargantua, eyes glued to the tube

Was a, long time ago, John Boy Ice

Geronimo po-lice jumpin out Chryslers, easywider paper

Pops puffin his sess, punchin his chest like a gorilla

Outside was psychoes, killers

Saw Divine, Goon and Chungo, Lil' Turkey

R.I.P. Tyrone, 'member no cursin front of Ms. Vercey

Big Percy, Crazy Paul, the Sledge Sisters

My building was 40-16, once in the blue, hallways was clean

I knew, all that I'd seen had meant somethin

Learned early, to fear none little Nas was huntin

Livin carefree laughin, got jokes on the daily

Y'all actin like some old folks y'all don't hear me

Yo I'm in my second childhood

[Chorus: repeat 2X]

"Cause when I flow the for the street.." - ".. who else could it be"

"N-A-S" - "Nas.."

youth - młodość
yours - twój
young - młody
workin - pracować w
would - by
wanna - chcę
turkey - indyk
through - przez
there - tam
teachers - nauczyciele
talkin - mówić
surgeon - chirurg
streets - ulice
stood - stanął
suffers - cierpi
stash - chować na potem
sittin - sittin
sisters - siostry
smokin - palący
single - Pojedynczy
since - od
shoppin - sklepik
years - lat
seven - siedem
selfish - samolubny
second - druga
school - szkoła
stuck - utknął
right - dobrze
resurrect - wskrzesić
repeat - powtarzać
quarts - kwarty
poppin - poppin
polite - uprzejmy
takin - takin
peoples - ludy
punchin - uderzyć w
payday - dzień wypłaty
succeeds - sukces
paper - papier
nothin - nic
earth - ziemia
dudes - dudy
education - edukacja
drunken - pijany
hotels - hotele
jumpin - wskoczyć
ecstasy - ekstaza
early - wcześnie
cornrows - cornrows
explode - eksplodować
divine - boski
thoughts - myśli
craves - pragnie
gorilla - goryl
daily - codziennie
after - po
geronimo - geronimo
drinkin - napój
corners - rogi
folks - ludzie
deserve - zasłużyć
crazy - zwariowany
frontin -
chorus - chór
childhood - dzieciństwo
watchin - Watchin
hates - nienawidzi
beers - piwo
blocks - bloki
before - przed
still - nadal
argues - argumentuje
purty - levert
career - kariera
benches - ławki
account - konto
learned - nauczyli
married - żonaty
break - Przerwa
eighty - osiemdziesiąt
cared - troska
person - osoba
friend - przyjaciel
droppin - droppin
changin - zmieniać
nigga - nigga
cause - przyczyna
sledge - sanki
clean - czysty
fendi - Fendi
birth - Narodziny
building - budynek
dropout - spadkowicz
brain - mózg
chest - klatka piersiowa
twenty - 20
chairs - krzesła
paroled - paroled
livin - livin

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